Uncovering the Logic of English
About the Course
In this book, participant will discover the LOGIC of English. Have you found yourself asking why English words are spelled the way they are? Why is there a silent e in have? Are you looking for ways to improve your phonic instruction? Would you like a new approach to teaching "sight words?" This book will take participants on a discovery of English and how it really is a logical language. Participants will discusss their learning in discussion boards, reflect on the material, apply learning in assignments, and get feedback from the facilitator.
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Grace Battista
Loved this course! The book is very straightforward and packed with information, the weekly reading never felt too long or boring. I loved the videos we watched as well. As a 1st grade teacher, I know I will apply what I learned about phonics instruction every single day! Great course for anyone who teaches reading or writing, especially primary grades.
Mitzi Moore-Hill
Great class and very eye-opening. English is not full of exceptions, infact it is very logical. The book study along with videos helped me to fully understand the rules so I can then teach my students to use them. Expecially helpful for Reading teachers. I enjoyed the spelling, vocabulary & morphology lessons for upper elementary.
Cynthia Valdez
The class was fantastic! The learning is for all elementary and English teachers who need to know this- others too.
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