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Writing Workshop: Essentials for Elementary Educators

Class Details

  • Class Type: Blended
  • Date: 4/6/2024 - 5/5/2024
  • Time: 5:00 PM - 5:00 PM
  • Location: Online
  • Adams State Credit: 2
  • Nonmember Price: $105
  • CEA Member Price: $105
  • This hybrid class will have two 4-hour face-to-face sessions. They will be on the following Saturdays: April 13 and April 20 from 8:00am -12:00 pm at the JCEA Office: 1447 Nelson St, Lakewood, CO 80215.

  • Currently Enrolled: 0 of 30

About the Course

The best way to learn about writing workshop is through writing workshop. This course is designed to immerse participants in the workshop experience even as we plan and rehearse lessons and routines with our student writers in mind. Workshop is not a program; it is a structure for whole-group and small-group and one-on-one differentiated instruction to ensure that every student can reach standards for writing processes and products.

This course is designed for elementary educators with or without a curricular resource.

Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to:

  • Articulate why workshop is an effective structure, system, ritual, and routine for writing instruction. 
  • Implement the critical components of a workshop, specifically mini-lessons, conferences, and closure/share.  
  • Implement routines to support students’ development of personalized writing processes.
  • Develop standards-based writing lessons with an intentional entry into the gradual-release of responsibility.
  • Grade(s): Kindergarten 1st Grade 2nd Grade 3rd Grade 4th Grade 5th Grade Elementary K-5
  • Subject(s): English Language Arts Reading,Writing,Communicating
  • Teacher Quality Standard(s): QS 1.A QS 1.B QS 1.C QS 2.A QS 3.A QS 5.B


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