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Spanish Language for Educators Level 2

Class Details

  • Class Type: Face-to-Face
  • Date: 8/26/2024 - 10/14/2024
  • Mon
  • Time: 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM
  • Location: 1345 Plaza Ct N, Lafayette, CO 80026
  • Adams State Credit: 1
  • Nonmember Price: $145
  • CEA Member Price: $60
  • This class is exclusively in-person. Sessions will be every Monday from 5:00 - 7:00 pm at the Boulder Valley Education Association office. A substitute date will be offered if class falls on a BVSD school holiday.

  • Currently Enrolled: 14 of 40
  • Class Type: Face-to-Face
  • Date: 10/22/2024 - 12/17/2024
  • Tue
  • Time: 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM
  • Location: 1345 Plaza Ct N, Lafayette, CO 80026
  • Adams State Credit: 1
  • Nonmember Price: $145
  • CEA Member Price: $60
  • This class is exclusively in-person. Sessions will be every Tuesday from 5:00 - 7:00 pm at the Boulder Valley Education Association office. A substitute date will be offered if class falls on a BVSD school holiday.

  • Currently Enrolled: 12 of 40

About the Course

This course is for all school personnel who interact with native Spanish-speaking students and/or their families. It is also appropriate for non-educators who want to learn intermediate-level language structures and practice their skills in conversation.

This class is the sequel to Spanish for Educators, Level 1, though the prior course is not a prerequisite. It is applicable for any student with an understanding of the Spanish sound system, basic conversational expressions, and conjugations in the present tense, including commands.

Students in this class will practice using vocabulary and language structures in written assignments that they will share in safe, supported conversation with class peers. In addition to learning to communicate with students and their families in their native language, teachers will learn about linguistic and cultural factors that can affect ELD students’ academic access.

Participants in this course will be required to attend IN-PERSON classes at the Boulder Valley Education Association office.

Upon completion of the course, students will be able to:

  • Accurately decode Spanish text, using correct pronunciation and accentuation.
  • Converse with a partner in Spanish about a variety of personally relevant topics, demonstrating listening comprehension and accurately conveying meaning.
  • Speak and write in grammatically correct sentences utilizing the present, preterite, imperfect, future and conditional tenses, in addition to temporal, locational and directional prepositions.
  • Prepare and present a lesson in Spanish that is appropriate for teaching to a student or students’ family member.
  • Explain linguistic and cultural differences that will help them better accommodate and communicate with their native Spanish-speaking students and their families.
  • Subject(s): World Languages
  • Teacher Quality Standard(s): QS 1.B QS 2.B QS 2.C QS 2.D QS 3.F


Rochelle Loughry

As a second language learner of Spanish, I know how hard it can be to develop comfort and fluency. I also know what helped me to overcome my fear of speaking and hone my skills. I bring that understanding and empathy to every class, so I can help students develop the confidence they need to utilize what they know.

I hold an MA in Bilingual Education and have lived, studied and taught in Spain and the Dominican Republic. I recently retired after 30 years of teaching for the Boulder Valley School District at Escuela Bilingüe Pioneer. 


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