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Elementary MATH Intervention: Research Based Strategies for Supporting Learners who Struggle

Class Details

  • Class Type: Online
  • Date: 1/6/2025 - 2/16/2025
  • Adams State Credit: 2
  • Nonmember Price: $190
  • CEA Member Price: $90
  • Registration for the optional graduate credits ($55 per credit) is a separate transaction through Adams State. Registration information will be available after you enroll and once the course is listed on the graduate credit portal.

  • Currently Enrolled: 17 of 30

About the Course

Utilizing high leverage instructional practices to support our elementary students in becoming proficient mathematicians is critical to stop the widening achievement gap. In this class, we will focus on six action oriented, research based recommendations from the IES (Institute of Education Sciences, March 2021) We’ll learn specific ways to effectively implement them in our practice to support struggling learners.  While the focus of the research is on instructional strategies for math intervention, the guidance outlined are great practices for all instructional settings. This class will include unique considerations for diverse populations of students who struggle with math concepts, including students with disabilities and multilingual learners.  

(Recommendations focus on Systematic Instruction, Teaching Mathematical Language, Use of Math Representations, Use of Number Lines, Deliberate instruction of Word Problems, and Timed Activities to build Fluency)

This course is appropriate for interventionists, special education teachers, elementary teachers, instructional coaches, and any other professional looking to grow their knowledge in supporting diverse learners in learning math.

Required Text:

Upon completion of this course, the educator will be able to:

  • Identify  and describe the 6 instructional recommendations developed by the What Works Clearinghouse (WWC) in conjunction with the Institute of Education Sciences (IES) to support math learning for students who struggle in Grades K-6.
  • Analyze additional instructional resources to evaluate their potential to support implementation of recommendations.
  • Develop instructional plans targeted specifically to struggling readers, including students with disabilities and multilingual learners.
  • Implement specific instructional adjustments aligned to  research based recommendations in order to build math skills for struggling students.
  • Grade(s): Kindergarten 1st Grade 2nd Grade 3rd Grade 4th Grade 5th Grade Elementary K-5
  • Subject(s): Math Professional Development
  • Teacher Quality Standard(s): QS 1.A QS 1.B QS 1.C QS 3.C


Erin Grodeska


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