Mathematical Mindsets: Unleashing Students' Potential through Creative Math, Inspiring Messages and Innovative Teaching
About the Course
This course is a book study of Jo Boaler’s latest book, Mathematical Mindsets: Unleasing Students’ Potential Through Creative Math, Inspiring Messages and Innovative Teaching.
Mathematical Mindsets provides practical strategies and activities to help teachers and parents show all children, even those who are convinced that they are bad at math, that they can enjoy and succeed in math. Jo Boaler—Stanford researcher, professor of math education, and expert on math learning—has studied why students don't like math and often fail in math classes. This book bridges that gap by turning research findings into practical activities and advice. Boaler translates Carol Dweck's concept of 'mindset' into math teaching and parenting strategies, showing how students can go from self-doubt to strong self-confidence, which is so important to math learning. Participants will collaboratively discuss the text, and reflect on implications in their own teaching.
Required Text:
Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to:
- Explain the role of brain development and mathematical learning.
- Analyze the power of students making mistakes and productively struggling in the math classroom.
- Employ mathematical mindsets through engaging students in rich mathematical tasks.
- Teach and assess students for a growth mindset in the math classroom.