Kent Willmann
Who are you?
Kent Willmann spent 31 years preparing young citizens by teaching high school social studies in 3 St Vrain High Schools, Frederick, Longmont and Silver Creek. Currently, he works at the University of Colorado training the next generation of social studies teachers to take his job and pay his PERA. He conducts professional development for practicing teachers on using all kinds of media in the classroom. He is co-directory of the Boulder County Latino History Project Summer Teacher Workshop. He is also the curriculum writer and trainer for The Colorado Municipal Leagues’, Lessons on Local Government and is program director of Doing Democracy Day - a one day local government experience for St. Vrain high school students and local leaders.
What led you to education?
My teachers led me to education. They provided encouragement and exploratory teaching opportunities in high school. Teaching was the way out for the son of two factory workers.
What do you have a knack for? How did you find that out?
Using art, music, film and other media in the classroom. Not making it mind you. Using it to teach.
What are you passionate about personally? What do you really enjoy? What can’t you stop talking about?
NCAA Hoops - Here is hoping the Buffs have a great season -- sometime soon.
Kayaking with my wife, playing poker, riding my bike making pictures of abandoned couches and visiting my kids.
What would be impossible for you to give up?
You mean besides beer? Colorado sunshine.