Facilitator Profile Picture

Stephanie Fast

Stephanie Fast is an currently an Elementary School Counselor in Littleton Public Schools. In the past 11 years of her educational career, she has also taught 4th, 6th and 7th grade Language Arts and Social Studies in both Colorado and Ohio as well as worked with alternative high school students in the counseling sphere. Stephanie strongly believes in the value of professional development and life-long learning as an educator; which led her to both taking and facilitating courses on Copilot. Among her top values include making connections and building strong relationships with students to best engage them in learning and growth. This has been her passion and is a focus of her work in her online book study
course, Culturize.

Stephanie was recently selected as “Teacher of the Year” by students at her former Middle School and has served as a teacher leader in her various buildings. She has been a PBIS leader, school PLC facilitator, building accountability member, coach and club sponsor. Stephanie earned her Bachelor's in Middle Childhood Education from Baldwin Wallace University and her Masters in School Counseling from Cleveland State University.