School is back in session, so it's time to start thinking about adding new strategies to your educator toolbox. CEA has over 170 COpilot classes this fall that will help you get ready for the new, learn some great practices you can use right away, and continue making you the best possible educator for your kids. Don't let the beginning of the year busyness stop you from investing in some high-quality professional learning that will positively impact you, your school, and your students.
To see what fall courses we're offering, click here, or browse our Fall 2024 Course Catalog. We have dozens of classes that you can take for free and even more that help you learn about technology, instructional strategies, and leadership. Enrollment opens on July 25 so mark your calendars!
Don't forget to follow us on social media:
Facebook: @ceacopilot
Twitter: @CEA_COpilot
Instagram: @cea_copilot