The Body Keeps the Score: Brain, Mind, Body in the Healing of Trauma
About the Course
Teachers will explore what trauma is and looks like, how it might present in the population, and how trauma has the ability to reshape the body and brain, compromising the sufferer’s capacities for pleasure, engagement, self-control and trust. The book then explores innovative treatment options that can help activate the brains neuroplasticity.
Required Text:
- The Body Keeps the Score: Brain, Mind, Body in the Healing of Trauma by Bessel van der Kolk
Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to:
- Identify how trauma presents in individuals and how it changes the body and brain.
- Explain how what the brain-body connection is.
- Explain the role of memory in trauma.
- Be able to name 3 tools that would help minimize the effect of trauma on an individual.
John Sava
Hard but incredible course. I enjoyed every minute of the work.
Sara Ramirez
I got a lot out of this class but it is a lot of work. The book is great and the assignments are thought provoking.
Emma Hartmann
Challenging class-recommend doing this course over the summer for some dense reading. I learned a lot about myself—how I show up for my students and my own loved ones. I was planning on reading this book after Brene Brown was talking it up. Nice to receive credit for it and be held accountable to get through a heavy read with deadlines and fellow teachers.
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